Thursday, November 20, 2014

I'm so tired at this morning practice that I forgot to give the girls their water jug.  Yikes.  I haven't been this out of it in a while.  Thankfully, the Keurig turned on shortly after that and gave me the delicious life blood that I need to maintain this crazy work schedule. 

While I'm at work (for the next 30-45 minutes), I have been working on my Institutional Review Board Application... meaning I am officially applying to do my research project at NDSU.  It is the longest, most boring application I have ever filled out and it is giving me a headache.  Sometimes I wonder if getting a master's degree is all it's really cracked up to be.  Then I remember that my grandma calls me her 'lifelong student', and she's right.  I'd honestly probably stay in school forever, if I could!  My program director as SCSU told me that I'd be getting a master's degree during my first week in the program, which was way back in 2010.  He was right.  At my graduation ceremony, he told me that I'll get my PhD.  I laughed then, but now it seems like a real possibility.  Either way, I have a feeling that I'll never stop enrolling in even a limited amount of classes. 

I used to have a super good memory for dates and times, but since I started at Concordia and have been managing around 200 athletes, my memory is shot.  So, I started becoming a religious user of Google calendar.  It's nice because I can just upload the calendars that the coaches have given me without a lot of extra work and then it downloads to my phone right away.  So, during a particularly long practice the other day, I put in the school calendars too, and realized that I will actually have 10-12 days off during NDSU's spring break in March, because Concordia's spring break is two weeks earlier than theirs.  I also saw that my softball team will be traveling during that time, meaning they won't be on campus, so I don't have to be on campus.  I'm not sure this could've worked out any better.  Hopefully you can be issued a pass for a few days and I can visit for a bit during that time.  That's only four months from now and time will fly between now and then! 

Anyway, I really better stop procrastinating and get back to this IRB application, even if it kills me.

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